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Toons Bedroom Furniture

Toons Bedroom Furniture

sifaWhen the time comes to invest in new soft furnishings, most of our customers here at Toons favour the all important balance between comfort and design. Surely such a desire is odd as we purchase a sofa to sit on, not to look at – right?

Hmm… The team at Toons take a different approach and argue that both aesthetics and comfort are just as important as the other. By refusing to compromise on comfort or design quality, we have amassed (arguably) the most exceptional soft furnishings catalogue of any wholesaler in the Leicester county area. If that sounds like we are squishing our own cushions in an act of boastful glee… well, maybe we are – what of it? See for yourself at our Burton Road, Swadlincote showroom.

We often find that autumn brings around a much needed shift wherein people return their thoughts to the comfort and warmth of their homes. The kiss of summer sun has once again escaped us leaving behind a blanket of golden leaves and an autumnal chill that drives us once again indoors. Whether you take great comfort from the introverted year's end or despair at the loss of summer, just remember Christmas is right around the corner.


To help inspire our followers, we've launched a phenomenal 'autumn event' sale with prices slashed across a vast range of beds, upholstery, sofas, dining sets and chairs. This offer runs from September 28th till Sunday 1st November so there's little time for dilly dallying if you wish to invest before Christmas.

Fear your current sofa and dining table may not be up for another year of yuletide family fuss? Go on; treat you and your family this year to comfort, quality and value at Toons Furniture Superstore.

We're also on Facebook and Twitter nattering away so please do give us a like and follow.

craft and foodAt first glance you may think we're just yet another furniture superstore – well, how wrong you may be!

In our last blog we dropped a wee hint to our future craft fair which is taking place this upcoming Saturday 26th September from 11 till 4. In addition to the usual kitsch art stalls, independent wares and promotional goods we'll also be kicking off autumn in style with exemplary offers throughout the store for the coming season.

Now, two very important points… firstly, we'll be offering a courteous 10% off on all marked prices across the store across the weekend of the 26th and 27th September and secondly, well… here's the thing; we have a race team! Yep, we're not exactly F1 material but our F2 sidecar racing team have been pulling off some blinding results in recent weeks. Check out the TOONS Racing Facebook page here to catch up on our performance in the recent EMRA 2015 Tournament.

toons sidecar

Following our recent wins, we're feeling particularly optimistic for the future so expect to hear about our future antics very soon! In fact, we'll be bringing the side car racing team to the craft fair with our bikes and some very special TOONS racing branded mugs for sale!

Last but not least, we'd absolutely love it if you and your friends, family, other halves and so forth made your way to the Toons Coffee Shop and snapped a few sofa selfies for our social media. We'll be picking the best and offering the winner a chance for free Sunday lunch for 2!

For more updates from Toons Furnishings please like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

toons sale 8Can you believe it's nearly September already?

With that said, there's little point in dwelling on the passing of summer is there? Get out there and enjoy yourself while the sun is still shining! The team at Toons Furnishings have had a rather incredible few months here at our Swadlinecote, Derbyshire showroom with the summer sale proving a riotous success. If this is the first you've heard of our sale, fear not for there is still time to check out some mega discounts across beds, carpets, curtains, furniture and sofas in store.

In addition to our in store stock we have also listed a handful of products from our clearance range which you can view online here.

In other news we shall be welcoming back the hugely popular Craft Fair to the Toons Coffee Shop this upcoming Saturday 26th September – plenty of time to get that marked in your diary! Expect a plethora of stalls dealing treats and wares from local independent artists and retailers. We always see a wonderful turn out and expect this to be no different.

If you'd like to keep up to date with Toons via our email newsletter then simply visit our website and scroll to the bottom where you will find a text bar to submit your email address. We will never spam you with irrelevant tosh so no worries there!

To whet your appetite for our sale, check out some of our Toons Special Offers below!


harrow chair


For more updates from Toons Furnishers you can also find us tweeting away and nattering on Facebook and Twitter.

TOONS SALE 2 Summer at last!

Sporadic heat waves, skimpy clothing, Pimms, holidays and… furniture? Yes, Toons Furnishings are celebrating the arrival of summer with a mammoth sale across all our finest in store brands. While the sunshine does much to invite us out of the house, think to those halcyon evenings entertaining family and friends; but is your furniture ready?

Dining tables, chairs and fresh bedding seem to be a priority for our customers around this time of year as people clamber to refresh their tired interiors and prepare for the sweaty nights ahead. Fresh sofa suits are also a popular choice, particularly among those who have recently completed extension or conservatory work on their property. Conservatories are a marvellous fit for the summer, allowing the home-owner to relax and enjoy the ethereal glow of dusk from the comfort of their fresh upholstery.

toons sale 3In other news, we recently had a touch of sentimental reflection and realised that Toons has now been successfully operating for over 40 years! On top of this, a recent customer survey provided greatly encouraging feedback including a 100% recommendation rate – so thank you very much! May we also remind readers that our curtain and fabric department will most certainly be inclusive in our summer sale promotion.

If you need assistance locating our Derbyshire showroom then please click here or alternatively call 01283 214729 and we'll do our best to guide you. We are currently open Mon-Sat 9am to 5:30pm with limited Sunday opening hours of 10:30am to 4:30pm.

You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter.

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mattress 1Believe it or not, we are now approaching the midway point of 2015. How's it going for you so far?

Not to blow our own trumpet but the team at the Toons Furniture showroom couldn't be happier. After narrowly avoiding a good soaking thanks to Ivor King (you can read more about that ordeal here) you could say things have been looking up.

As those sticky summer nights draw closer, it may be wise to consider the condition and hygienic state of your current mattress. It's no secret that human skin is a silent menace working hard day and night to coat your lovely clean home in dusty remnants. Let's face it, if you look close enough, your bed is probably writhe with skin particles and other unseen horrors. "But I wash my sheets regularly" you may cry, ah yes, but how often do you replace your mattress?

Not only is a new mattress a certified means of ensuring hygiene but it'll also provide you with a refreshed sense of comfort which, according to the National Bed Month studies; will provide up to 42 minutes extra sleep a night. Anyway, enough cushioning the facts – here's a selection of Toons' finest mattresses available to at our furniture superstore.

  • Hypnos Capella Mattress

For trusted comfort and quality it's hard to argue with Hypnos' and their 100 years of experience in the bedding industry. This Capella mattress offers the perfect balance of value and comfort with a simple pocket spring design for long lasting comfort and a dual supportive spring frame for that extra peace of mind.

  • Hypnos Concerto Mattress

Fear not, the Concerto mattress won't keep you up at night with a sweeping symphony; though it is likely to conduct you into a deep sleep with its reactive pocket spring system and dual supportive spring frame. Remember we mentioned those sticky summer nights? The Concerto comes equipped with the marvellous Bristol Wool climate controller which keeps things warm in winter and cool in the summer. Restless nights be gone!

  • Hypnos Operetta Mattress

For those of you who desire a mattress of the highest quality, the Operetta provides all the aforementioned features with natural, recyclable fillings and high quality temperature control. Certainly one to consider if you value the best in bedding and comfort.

Get in touch with us here to discuss our mattresses or drop by our Derbyshire showroom on Burton Road in Swadlincote.

For more updates please like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

coffee shopIf you have visited Toons Coffee Shop in the past, you will no doubt be familiar with our wonderful range of hot meals, teas, coffees and sweets. Responding to the marvellous public reception, we have decided to expand our menu to cater to our ever growing Sunday crowd. We shall now be offering Sunday lunches between noon and 2:30pm every Sunday.

The team at Toons Furnishings would also like to take this opportunity to formally welcome on board our brand new Coffee Shop manager – Annette Myatt. Having proven her prowess managing busy kitchens at both the Middle Bell and the Three Horseshoes in Barton-under-Needwood, we are absolutely delighted that she has chosen to bring her career to our burgeoning Coffee Shop.

coffee shop 2On top of her illustrious catering skills, Annette has a strong working ethos focusing on quality ingredients and cooking at reasonable prices. It is with her knowledge that we have been able to make the welcome addition of Sunday Lunches and a wealth of upcoming Daily Specials and home-made soups.

We look forward to hearing our visitor's feedback on the new menu so please feel free to leave feedback on our Facebook and Twitter.

Speaking of the new menu, our Managing Director Belinda Toon has said "We are pleased to be further expanding the coffee shop menu after the refurbishment last year. Customers love the opportunity to stop for something to eat or a drink, and who doesn't love Sunday Dinner?"

Opening Times
Mon-Sat 9am until 4.45pm
Sunday 10.30am until 3.45pm

bed sleep councilJust like that, March comes to a close and with it passes another successful celebration of National Bed Month. As we detailed in our last blog post, National Bed Month is the long running promotional awareness campaign launched by The Sleep Council in 1990. Formed to help consumers get the best from their bed and mattresses, Toons Furnishings rolled out 100 questionnaires for our customers. By focusing on recipient's bedtime habits (not in the smutty way!) we are now able to share with you some fascinating facts about how, when and where people sleep. Results ahead…

Gone are the days of nude slumber as 75% of you seem to favour a comfortable nightie or pyjamas at bed time. When it comes to bed time entertainment, 72% regularly read in bed while 48% enjoy watching the television from the comfort of their nightly throne.  It wasn't surprising to find that very few of you are happy to share your bed with pets with a 4% and 3% share for Dogs and Cats! Hygiene no doubt played a large part in such figures.

specific side
That settles that then!

We know it's a bit of a cliché but we asked and you responded:  if you would like to find someone or something in bed – what would it be? Results were… interesting if a little predictable. Stealing the number one spot was Hollywood legend Brad Pitt while former heartthrob George Clooney gracefully resided to fourth place. The funniest declaration came from a desire to find the 'English Rugby Team' waiting for a bit of rough and tumble but 42% of you seemed happy to just find your partner tucked up ready – aww.

When it comes to the age and quality of your mattresses, only 21% claimed to be sleeping on a mattress that's only 2 to 5 years of age (the ideal age) while a majority stated it was between 5 and 10 years old. The 20% of you still sleeping on mattresses over 10 years old, we suggest you get yourself back to Toons!

Furthermore, we'd like to thank each and every one of you for your support and taking part in the questionnaire. Thank You!

For more news from Toons Furnishings please like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

National Bed Month is upon us again, an event we here at Toons take great pride in celebrating. Founded in 1990, this marks the perfect opportunity for us to remind you of the importance a quality bed plays in a good night's sleep. Feel like your bed is overdue a little refurbishment? Then read on.

Introduced by The Sleep Council, National Bed Month tirelessly seeks to educate consumers the profound difference a bed can make in both your quality of sleep and daily lifestyle. More and more we find health specialists warning us of our complacent sleep patterns as modern life increasingly leaves little time to plan a good night sleep.  At Toons we want to change the way you think about rest and feel that with our incredible range of beds; you'll find something to suit all room sizes, families and lifestyles.

Take a look at our extensive range of beds by clicking the image below. We stock beds to suit all preferences of comfort, aesthetic and style including Hypnos Beds (which you may have seen Lenny Henry on TV enjoying at Premier Inn), Kaymed, Delia Electric and many more.

Next, consider the facts; medical tests have repeatedly supported the notion of an extra 42 minutes sleep graced to those with a comfortable bed, something few would care to pass upon. Finally, always look out for the certified National Bed Federation tick logo, a sign of confidence that your choice will be officially safe, clean and honest.

national bed month

So, how can you partake in National Bed Month? First of all, take a look at our specially formulated bed survey below. If you'd like a chance of winning a King Size Fogarty Duvet 10.5 tog and a pair of Kaymed memory foam pillows then please drop by our Derbyshire showroom to complete the form by Saturday 7th March. We'll be taking a few casual photos of you all filling out the forms and we'll have the prizes on display for inspiration!

toons survey

For more news from Toons Furnishings please like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

You may recall at the end of 2014 we mentioned the rather marvellous Ivor King sheet piling specialists dropping by to do a little flood prevention planning? Well on the 9th February work finally began on the procedure which will save Toons Furniture store from the perils of flooding for good (fingers crossed!).

The unfortunate reality indicated that Toons is in a flooding hot spot due to its position in a dip, with local drainage actually passing under the buiding. Because of the increased severity of storms, and nearby house-building distubing existing drainage patterns, during heavy rainfall the drainage on-site can no longer cope. An example of this occurred in the summer last year where our drain cover in the carpet department (where the storm drain runs under the buiding) peaked and burst. Fortunately for us, the showroom carpet had been well stuck down, and actually kept the flooding overflowing into the store to a minimum but it made us painfully aware that we needed to take immediate measures to stop this from happening again.

Sheet piling will be inserted alongside the bank of the brook which carries the water away to improve its holding capacity and help prevent the flooding. Each pile is 7 metres long and will be inserted 5 metres into the ground by the team's fearsome 100 tonne MEWP (mobile elevated work platform). It's fascinating to watch and seeing the pile forced down into the earth is an oddly alluring sight. The MEWP will be transported to the work spot overnight, with a police escort, due to its size and potentially damaging nature. It is due early next Monday morning.

We will, of course, keep you up-to-date with all the news of our latest exciting project.

For more news from Toons Furnishing please like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

4Welcome 2015!

Well it's here, another year begins and with it another cycle of seasons, sales and sofas. We're particularly excited about that last part and we've already rolled out some phenomenal savings in our winter sale. With offers ranging from oak dining sets to mammoth beds, our Derbyshire furnishings superstore has just about everything the contemporary home needs to sooth aesthetic desire.

Let's get this sale rolling…

  • Castle Oak Dining Sale
  • Discount Fabrics and Wallpapers
  • Duresta Sofa Sale
  • G Plan Upholstery Winter Sale
  • Himolla Furnishing
  • Mammoth Beds
  • Nathan Dining
  • Nolte Bedroom
  • Old Charm Winter

Click above to enquire about your desired range.

We'd also like to take the opportunity to thank all of those who traded, assisted and attended the amazing Christmas Fair on the 6th December. The turnout was fantastic and the display of creativity on offer was truly wonderful. Click to enlarge some choice snaps below…

9 10 8 4 2 6

If you'd like to get in touch with Toons about products, sales, and opening times or if you just fancy find out more about us then please don't hesitate to drop us an e-mail here. Easier yet you can give us a ring on 01283 214 729.

Keep an eye out for more news from Toons in the near future on Facebook and Twitter.

Toons Bedroom Furniture

Source: https://toonsfurnishingsuperstore.wordpress.com/

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